Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Retreat & Summer Projects

In September, I went to Cru Fall Retreat at Falls Creek. I only knew about five people, so I was terrified. I had no idea what to expect. I am so thankful that I went. I had a great time and learned so much about Christ. I met new people and had fellowship with some amazing believers. I even learned that I like to dance! Who would of guessed?

One of the things we talked about at Fall Retreat was Summer Project. There are many types of projects that you can go on. One of my Bible study leaders went to Chicago last summer and worked in the inner-city. She absolutely loved it.

I have decided, with a shove from God, to go on Summer Project. I am going to apply to the Santa Cruz Summer Project once applications open. I am a little stressed about how I will pay for the project if I am accepted though. The cost is $3500. That's a lot of money. One of the things Cru does is help students raise money to go. I know that if I am truly meant to go on this project, He will provide. First, though, is the application process. I don't know what it entails. There is also the fact of gaining my family's support. I don't think I will go if my parents are not supportive.

As I make my way through this journey, I ask for prayers, for peace and the guidance of the Almighty God. I ask that you pray for Him to provide not only the funds (I mean, they are kinda important), but also a way for me to go without disobeying my parents.

Here are some pictures I found while researching the project:
This is the place I would be staying.

I would work on the Boardwalk!!! How awesome!

Blessings and Love,

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