Monday, October 28, 2013

College: The Beginning

College: every high school student's dream and the source of parents' never ending debt.

I have been looking forward to college for a very long time. I counted down the days until graduation when I would finally be free. The lining up in alphabetical order, walking across the stage, delivering speeches, and pictures with friends came and went. Graduating high school didn't feel like such an accomplishment. To some, it's the ultimate goal. To me, it was just a rung in the ladder of my life. I was ready for bigger and better things.

The summer before college was full of camps and sleepovers as my friends and I tried to make as many memories as possible before we went our separate ways. The day for move-in came and I was afraid. Emily and Decembre rode to Stillwater with me to move me in and leave me behind. I think they had a harder time leaving than my parents did. I sat in my room alone for two hours because I knew no one. I ended up meeting a bunch of people when I finally decided to be social.

Welcome week was pretty fun. The fun and social aspects of college without class, but there weren't very many people here yet. Then class began.

There are so many options of what to do with your time. One thing I knew for sure I wanted to do was be involved in a campus ministry. BCM, Navigators, Cru, RUF, The Table, ect. were all available. I had no idea what to do! I saw a friend in the Union that first week who told me I should go to Cru. He said I could go try out the other ministries, but I never did. I stayed at Cru. I have made so many friends through Cru even in the first few weeks of class.

I go to a freshman girls Bible study in my residence hall on Tuesdays. It is led by Victoria and Kayla, two members of the Cru leadership team. I also go to Overflow, which is a large worship service, on Tuesday nights. Cru also has Freshman Leadership Council, where we meet with other freshman in Cru for fellowship and learning about the Bible. Cru meets on Thursday nights for fellowship, worship, and a message. I absolutely love it.

All of that is not to say that there is not work. Sometimes I can't see an end to all the homework and studying, but then a take a step back and think about how truly blessed I am to have the opportunity to be in college. I am blessed beyond what I will ever understand.

College is a humbling experience. I have learned that are things I can't do. There are people who are so much smarter than me, and there are people who struggle just to keep their heads above the water.I hope to be a light to each and every person I come into contact with. I want Jesus to shine through me as I trek through this crazy thing called college.

Many blessings and love to you all,

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