Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Holiday Hardships

                This year has been a crazy one for me. It has had many ups and downs.  It began with an adventure when I found out on January 4th that I would be spending the summer in Santa Cruz, CA, but tragedy struck early in the morning of March 22nd, when my aunt’s home in Guthrie burned. My oldest cousin, Terick, didn’t make it out of the house.  So began one of the hardest seasons of my life so far. There were times when grief would hit hard, and I just did not know what to do, but my friends were always there to pick me up and share encouraging words.  I went on to spend the summer in California, which definitely provided a lot of healing for my soul. It was scary and hard and wonderful and crazy all wrapped in to the greatest summer of my life.
                But in this Christmas season, my family and I are struggling to be joyful. Terick has been a huge part of my Christmas tradition since I was 5 years old, and I’m worried about how tomorrow is going to go. We are having Christmas at my great grandma’s house, which is not something we have not done before. We’re doing everything a little differently because doing it the same would feel like we were trying to ignore that Terick is gone. It’s going to be weird not getting my big hug Christmas morning, but I’ll make it somehow.  My Baby Bear is gone from this earth but will forever live in my heart until I see him again one day.  
                I keep reminding myself that Christmas is more than gifts and family. It’s about the baby that was born to a virgin to save the people of the world. It’s about something so much bigger than my life. It’s sometimes hard to find comfort in this right now, but it’s still important to remember. I ask for prayers of peace and comfort as my family walks through this together and as we remember Terick on his birthday (Jan 3rd), and also that we would remember the true meaning of Christmas this year. Don't take the time you have with loved ones for granted. You never know how quickly things can change.
Christmas 2013 (Adair, Terick, Henry)

With love, 